If you know me, you will have heard me talk about Peru. Whether it's just a passing comment or a detailed story, you will know that a stamp has been left on my heart. After over a year of waiting, I am finally back. The mountains I look down onto out of the oval plane window - they're not a mirage. The trees, the birds, the voices of children playing - it's really real.
Welcome to Peru |
As I sit in the house, I can hear a constant aaaaaaa coming through the mosquito netting windows from outside. It's homework club day and from the noise, I'm going to guess it's home / play time. Nothing's changed, really. The river's still the same, the sun continues to rise graciously and fall quickly, and the children always run to club with so much enthusiasm. Younger ones have moved from primeria to secondaria, and new little faces have joined the groups. The rest, it's the same. The same constant beauty that it was before, and the same unfair conditions that make me wonder why. Why are there extremes? Why do some have clean water and some don't? Why do some live in poverty and some in money? And why are some kids loved and some aren't? These are the questions that came to our minds at 5am while the sun slowly rose from the darkness. We didn't find answers and we still ask why. But even with these questions we know one thing - our God, who created the sun and stars and who knows our hearts so completely, loves us and wants us to come to him. He wants to walk with us through every day and through every situation that life throws at us.
Sun rise |
The 3 Musketeers |
"The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known… God has made a home in the heavens for the sun. It bursts forth like a radiant bridegroom after his wedding. It rejoices like a great athlete eager to run the race. The sun rises at one end of the heavens and follows its course to the other end. Nothing can hide from its heat."
Psalm 19: 1-2, 4-6
There are four other young people staying onsite too which makes living here really fun. The day begins at 8am - eating breakfast with the kids. From there, various different clubs run throughout the morning and into late afternoon, leaving a block for lunch in the middle. While the activities are in action, Arianna - who for the past three weeks has been the site nurse - takes one child at a time and completes a full medical, scoring off various information on charts. When I use the term site nurse, I mean she is our doctor. She is the one who cleans up cuts, she is the one who wraps bandages around swollen arms, legs and fingers, and she is the one who noticed that a small nine year old girl had pneumonia. She saved her life.
The team (without Arianna) |
Arianna our nurse with Segundo |
Checking his teeth |
God is working in this little village in Pucallpa and it is a privilege to share life and work alongside those who are here indefinitely. Please pray that the children would know Jesus and know that they are loved so enormously.
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