I don't even know how to start describing the last three weeks in Pucallpa but I think I can say that they've been some of the best of my life. I have experienced too many incredible things to write about them all so I'm just going to choose one or two things to focus on. The first is working with all the leaders and the kids in the various clubs and groups. All the children want is for you to show them your love - they want hugs, they want to take your hand and they want you to play with them. It makes me so sad to know that a lot of them are not looked after the way they should be. We had loads of fun together though.. making sheep, playing games, doing homework and taking lots and lots of photos. It was amazing to work along side the leaders and teachers as well and watch them all give the glory to our God every day. I have learnt so much from being a part of the team during these past weeks and God has once again shown me how great he is.
God has made a home in the heavens for the sun. It bursts forth like a radiant bridegroom after his wedding. Psalm 19
Awansa club games |
Homework club |
I think I forgot to say this earlier but I actually managed to change my flights and stay on an extra week. One of the many bonuses from doing this was being able to go on a youth camp with one of the local Churches. Before I went however I wasn't very keen and I think part of this was just the not knowing of what was to come. I had been given a list of things to take.. my own bowl, cup and spoon for the meals, old clothes (I didn't have any), a black t-shirt (I didn't have one), a mattress to sleep on, a mosquito net.. and so the list continues. Anyway when I arrived I think the first thing I heard was a girl screaming 'tarantula'. As you can imagine, that just made me even more excited, not. Anyway, we all got set up in the small sunday school room where we were sleeping and then headed out for dinner (with our own plates). Chicken neck soup was on the menu for tonight. Mmmm.
Mine and Karina's bed
Later on we had a time of worship and a talk. We all had to wear our black t-shirts and glue white paper crosses onto the front of them. This wasn't just so they looked pretty but so that when you walked into the Church where fluorescent lighting had been set up (yes I was in the jungle) the only thing you could see were crosses everywhere. The worship band was all in white with green crosses so the contrast in the room was so cool. At the end of the night we were split into three teams for the whole weekend so every activity was a competition.
Who can make a pyramid of cups the fastest? |
All the girls with our cross t-shirts on |
Saturday's activities: an obstacle course at 6am, fishing for dinner, volleyball with water balloons, a treasure hunt in the surrounding village, eating our fish we caught, decorating the tables, worship, a talk and games and finally sitting below the stars and sharing the best memories of the weekend. This last thing we did was probably one of my highlights because it was amazing hearing how God spoke to different people throughout the time away and hearing all the different things everyone was thankful for.
Which team has the most balloons left when they finish?
I didn't know what I was letting myself into.. |
Sliding into a trench |
I tried hard to keep my head above the mud |
I call this the tarantula tunnel |
One of the many obstacles |
Our team- Luchadores por Cristo |
After we showered and became clean..
Fishing for dinner |
The fish we caught |
So excited about the box of treasure (food) we won in the treasure hunt |
My dinner. |
"Tu eres digno, Tu eres santo, Tu eres rey de toda creación"
"You are worthy, You are holy, You are king of all creation"
Alabanza Senor.. |
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