Even the weather knew it was time to say goodbye. It rained. For the first time in 10 days on the morning that I left, the sky opened.
Illegal wood trafficking on the river
I hate goodbyes. I hate the lead up to goodbyes, I hate the moment of goodbyes and I hate the afterwards of goodbyes. What do you gain by saying goodbye? You gain finalisation. And this is something I do not want.
It's too serious. It's easier to say 'hasta luego' 'until then', right? Because one day soon you hope to return. You've already made plans for the next visit, and you've already built the hopes' of the ones you've left. This is what I seem to do.
The teachers who I will miss so much |
Saying goodbye |
Today I heard a little boy ask his mum, 'what is love?' Unfortunately I didn't hear her answer, but right now I will give you my own. Over my ten days in Pucallpa, I can say that I watched as the word love was defined. Through the lives of those on site, through the personal relationships between one another and through the work that brings constant smiles and laughter. Love was displayed.
Love is displayed. |
My models |
"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." 1 Corinthians 13
Oansa |
Stuck in juxtaposition between love and indifference, the children that come to these clubs experience both sides. And I stand on the side lines as both an observer and a player. I have choice. They don't. This is what breaks my heart. And yes I choose player for the ten days that I have, but then the departure date arrives and I'm gone. My life, my comfortable routines, the love from my family which I so often take for granted, they're calling me back. But I no longer want comfort, how can I go back after what I've seen? With every new day I see oppression. I hear of children being abandoned and I watch as the hardships of life play out on the people in front of me. There's too many things. So with this, I turned to God. Ecclesiastes. Within 10 minutes of reading, I had read every single one of my thoughts. It summed up perfectly everything that I had been feeling.
The kids in homework club |
Gorgeous |
I live in a world of things, where the luxury of hot water comes easily and opportunities are just a norm of life. Yet this world of objects and money, of ease and indulgence, it still strives for more. It wants the next thing before the first is even in reach. Satisfaction never comes. And this is where God's been challenging me: Live every moment in the moment. Enjoy what your life offers you rather than desiring what it doesn't. And don't wish the next moment before living out the first.
The Team - day trip down the river to a jungle beach |